The Tashme Folk – Coupons

The Tashme folk particularly are overjoyed because they can now go shopping without coupons.  In Tashme, it seems that they have a special system whereby all trading is done with coupons and not with money.  All cash in Tashme is turned in for coupons which are used in lieu of money.

Here in Kaslo, there is no such system.  Said one transferee from Tashme:  “In Tashme, all commodities are sold out very quickly.  A long queue usually waits for hours on end to do shopping in the one community store.  All purchasing is done with coupons.  Here, we can buy all we want at any hour of the day the stores are open.  There are no coupons to worry about.  We feel as if we are back to civilization again.”

From New Canadian “Drifting Off….”  1945-07-07-07